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Saturday, October 11, 2008



Sam Bosma said...

Sweet. That one Bull's a little indistinct (the one where you don't see the head), but that can probably be reqorked some.

Andrew Davis said...

yeah that one bull actually gave me a really hard time...i couldn't seem to make any of the profile views i sketched work so i decided to turn his head away from the viewer

Sam Bosma said...

Maybe extend the composition a bit on the right and have the one bull's legs flung up into the air like it's really flying into that other one. So long as you see hooves or something, it'll be readable as a bull. Right now it's a little unclear. Maybe then the one on the right could be a little more...affected by the other bull? Like it's really been slugged.

Sam Bosma said...

Since you're spending your time not coming to seminar, you probably ought to update. For the children.

Kelly Franklin said...

thanks andrew! and i'm glad I could help, it seems like you enjoy working with limited palettes anyway, so it wasn't too creative of a suggestion haha :) i hope your work is going well